Essential Gameboy Accessories


gameboyacc1 Essential Gameboy Accessories

The ultimate in gameboy accessory!

The Gameboy is a wonderful gaming system there is just no doubt about that but it does have some slight drawbacks. For every drawback, however, there is an accessory that seeks to address the problem. I think this system was one of the first to see the explosion of third party accessories and that’s a good thing because there are some pretty ingenious ones out there. I’ll lead you through some of my favorites and what I consider essential gear for the Gameboy classic aficionado.

First and foremost there’s the battery issue. The system is notorious for is quick draining battery. Now for every problem there’s a solution though right? Of course! Which brings us to the expanded third party battery. There’s a later model battery compartment made by Nintendo as well which offers you the ability to plug in extra batteries. What you want though is the rechargeable variety. The really good ones also offer you a variety of recharge and constant on plugs. You really need at least a wall and car charger in my mind. And I can’t stress enough how important rechargeable batteries are. These things are getting more and more expensive every year and you really don’t want to be buying them every day or so, trust me. What else should you get?

The original classic Gameboy does not have the most… expansive of screens. Luckily

 Essential Gameboy Accessories

The camera printer was a bit ahead of its time...

there are a couple of solutions to this problem as well. All of them that I’m familiar with use a serious of lenses to project a larger image of the screen to the player. They’re relatively cheap and actually work surprisingly well. I got my first one for fewer than fifteen dollars and at that price you get a screen that appears almost twice as large. Truly a bargain if you ask me. There is one last accessory that I found indispensable in my Gameboy enjoyment.

The butter zone

The control extender. This useful gizmo wrapped around the body of the device and extended the controls like an arcade game. You got a joystick and larger buttons which when you combined with the screen extension technique above made for a pretty stellar portable gaming experience. With the batteries, screen extension, and arcade control extenders your mobile gaming experience was just top notch. At least for the day. Until next time folks, enjoy the retro gaming magic! There’s nothing wrong with the new games but there’s nothing quite like the classic!

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